The About section containing application information and useful website links.
Project: Settings
The Settings section is used for setting the basic project settings and any additional informational settings should you want to redistribute any created projects.
Project: Layers
Each graphical element type utilises its own layer so effects can be applied directly to each layer without interference with other elements.
Background: Backdrop
The fill to use on the background of the graphic.
Background: Scanlines
Scanlines are a unique feature in that you can specify a grid-pattern to use to add "texture" to a graphic.
Foreground: Highlight
Highlights provide a visual flair to graphics and can also provide a glossy-look.
Foreground: Border
Various styles of borders are available to provide a visual separation between the graphic and the surrounding work it is incorporated within.
Text: Items
Glassix uses a pixel font for text as it provides a very clean look. Each character within text can have its colour and outline colour changed using the Text Formatter.
Text Formatter
Text can be formatted using the Text Formatter which allows the easy creation of colour gradients.
Preview 1
The Preview window allows you to see a live preview of the current project while you're working upon it.
Preview 2
Another Preview window screenshot, this time showing a 243x60 half-sized web banner.