Custom Actions

The Custom Action Editor allows you to create your own actions that can then be performed upon devices within the address book.

  • Custom Actions List
  • The list of all defined custom actions. Any actions that are unchecked will not be displayed within any custom action lists; this allows you to hide actions without having to delete them.

    • ToolBar
    • Allows the addition, removal, and moving of actions within the list.

      • Add
      • Adds a new action to the list.

      • Remove
      • Removes the selected action from the list. No confirmation dialog is shown, so the action will be immediately removed.

  • NameDefault: Untitled
  • The name of the action, which will be displayed in all relevant custom action lists.

  • Application
  • The application to run when the action is selected. Parameters can be passed to the application via the Parameters textbox below.

    This value must be set.

  • ParametersDefault: %ip
  • If required, WoLEX can pass parameters directly to launched applications. Clicking on the button immediately to the right will display all available parameter codes; these codes are replaced by their respective device values when the action is launched.