
The Settings window allows you to customise Wake On LAN Ex to your requirements.


This tab allows you to specify what happens when WoLEX is launched, either by the user or when Windows starts (if Start with Windows is enabled below).

  • Start minimised Default: disabled
  • This option will instruct WoLEX to open minimised to the system tray as to not get in the way when launched. This is particularly useful if WoLEX is set to Start with Windows, below.

  • Start with Windows Default: disabled
  • Enabling this option will launch WoLEX when Windows starts. The -minimise parameter will be passed into WoLEX so it starts minimised to the system tray.

    For Technical Users

    This is accomplished via the Windows Registry. The registry key is Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\WoLEX

  • Check for updates once per week; no personal information is sent Default: enabled
  • If enabled, WoLEX will perform an automated check at startup every seven (7) days to see if there is a new version available.

    Please note that absolutely no information is sent to the server; WoLEX connects via HTTP just like a web-browser does (but WoLEX sends much less data than a browser - nothing, in fact) to retrieve the latest version number and prompt you if it is newer than the version you are currently running.

    The prompt - if there is a newer version - shows you the changelog for the new version, along with a Download button. Clicking Download will download the installer for the new version (again, just like a web-browser; there is no "hidden" data being exchanged) and then launch it. You'll need to exit WoLEX for the installer to continue.


    The automated update checking simply automates the process of clicking the Check for Updates menu-item within the Settings drop-down menu in the main window's toolbar.


The Items tab contains settings pertaining to source items.

  • Show Custom Actions menu Default: enabled
  • Displays the Custom Actions menu within the right-click address book list context menu and within the Send drop-down menu.

  • Show Minimise to Tray button Default: disabled
  • Displays a button within the main window's titlebar that allows WoLEX to be quickly sent to the system tray.

  • Show notification window Default: enabled
  • Globally enables or disables the device status change notification pop-up window. This overrides the notification window setting available in the Device Editor without having to manually edit each device.

    • Display time Default: 10
    • The amount of time, in seconds, to display the notification window if a status change is detected for a device.

  • Automatically resize last column Default: enabled
  • Automatically resize the last column within the Address Book list so that it takes up all of the available left-over space.

  • Do not reposition window Default: disabled
  • Do not automatically reposition the main window at startup if it isn't fully located within the viewable area of the screen.

  • Device double-click action Default: edit device
  • The default action to perform when double-clicking on a device entry within the address book list.

    • Toggle Enabled State
    • Toggle the check for the device.

    • Edit Device
    • Display the Device Editor for the device.

    • Perform Default Action
    • Perform the default action set with the Default Action setting below.

  • Default Action Default: wake-up
  • The default action to perform when clicking on the Send toolbar button within the main window.

    • Wake-Up
    • Wake-up the checkmarked devices.

    • Log-Off
    • Log-off the checkmarked devices.

    • Restart
    • Restart the checkmarked devices.

    • Shutdown
    • Shutdown the checkmarked devices.

    • None
    • Do not perform any action.

  • Main window Ctrl+W Action Default: minimise to system tray
  • The default action to perform when pressing the Ctrl+W key combination within the main window.

    • None
    • Do not perform any action.

    • Minimise to system tray
    • Minimise the main window to the system tray.

    • Exit application
    • Entirely exit Wake On LAN Ex.

  • Override accent colour Default: disabled
  • By default, WoLEX takes its accent colour (that colour part of the gradient in each window, toolbar, etc) from the colour that is set by the user within Windows.

    If you would like to use another colour instead, you can specify it here. If you have changed this colour or enabled/disabled it, then it is recommended that you restart WoLEX as some aspects of its interface may not update to the new colour.

  • Default Action Default: wake up
  • This is the action to perform when directly clicking on the Send toolbar button within the main window. Please note that the Send button performs its action on all devices that have a checkmark/tick beside them. Right-clicking on a device and selecting an action will instead perform the action on the selected device and not the checkmarked/ticked devices.


The Network tab contains settings relating to WoLEX's network functionality.

  • Ping address book entries every X seconds... Default: 10
  • This specifies how long between each "ping" when querying devices for their online/offline status. This value can be very low if devices reside on the local network (1 second is recommended), but should be increased if devices are on the internet (10 to 60+ seconds).

    • using X threads... Default: 3
    • The number of threads to use for pinging devices. This is the global thread count, and not per device. The more threads there are, the quicker ping results will be returned as more simultaneous pings can be performed.


      While it may seem like a good idea to make the thread count very high, it is not recommended as this increases resource usage - but more importantly - it limits the amount of threads available to other applications that use the .NET framework.

    • and timing out after X seconds Default: 3
    • How long WoLEX should wait for the reply to a ping, in seconds. Having a value too high will end-up effectively stalling that particular thread, and if a device is taking too long to reply then chances are it'll time-out.

  • Ping at startup Default: enabled
  • Determines if WoLEX should immediately ping all devices within an address book as soon as WoLEX starts. Not enabling this option will cause WoLEX too ping devices after the Ping address book entries every X seconds interval has elapsed.

Account coming soon

The Account tab contains settings pertaining to additional services offered to non-Free Edition users of WoLEX.

Currently, the only additional feature that ties in with your account is feedback. If you submit feedback directly via WoLEX itself and you've entered your API Key, your feedback will be linked to your account so you can keep track of it and its status.

  • API Key
  • This is your account's API Key as generated from the Account section of your... account. While you can change your Key at any time via the Account website, you'll need to update it from within WoLEX.

    • Verify
    • Once you have entered your API Key, you can then click the Verify button to ensure that it is correct.


      Please don't perform too many verification checks as you may be temporarily blocked from the web-service.


The Advanced tab contains settings that are for "advanced" users, or are simply considered obscure.
Click on any item within the grid to see its description underneath.


Any changes made to any items within the Advanced grid are immediate. Clicking on Cancel will not undo those changes.

Home Edition

These settings are only available in the Home and Enterprise editions.

  • Enable Logitech G14/G19 LCD support Default: disabled
  • If the system's physical keyboard is a Logitech G14 or G19 with an integrated LCD, then WoLEX can utilise the screen to display the active address book.

    • None
    • Don't display anything on the LCD even if the necessary hardware is present and working.

    • Basic List
    • Display a basic list comprising of a black background with yellow device names and an icon next to each device denoting its status.

    • Mirror Address Book
    • Display an exact copy of the address book list (white background with group headings, etc) on the LCD.


    Enabling this setting will result in WoLEX taking an extra second or two to exit.

Enterprise Edition

These settings are only available in the Enterprise edition.

  • Stagger Wake-Up calls; time in milliseconds between each wakeup Default: enabled
  • Instead of waking-up multiple devices all at the same time and possibly causing a power surge or spike, WoLEX can instead introduce a delay between the waking-up of each device.

    • Delay Default: 1500
    • The amount of time to wait, in milliseconds, between each device being woken up. 1000 milliseconds equals 1 second, so the default value of 1500 equals one and a half seconds.