Device Editor

The Device Editor allows the addition and editing of device entries within the active address book.

  • General
  • The General tab allows the editing of basic device information.

    • Name
    • The name of the device. This is used so you can quickly tell what the device is.

    • GroupDefault: <empty>
    • An optional group. Devices with the same group name are placed together within the address book interface. Leave blank to ignore.


      If none of the devices within the entire address book have groups specified, then all devices will be displayed with no textual headers. If any device has a group specified but others do not, then all of the devices without groups will be placed into a group with a Default text header.

      This is standard Windows behaviour.

    • Notes
    • Any optional notes for the device. Multiple lines are supported.

    • Frontend home edition enterprise edition
    • A website URL. If the Frontend property isn't blank, right-clicking on a device will display a Goto Frontend menu-item that can be selected; doing so will launch the system's default web-browser and display that website.

    • Pre-Select this Device when WoLEX startsDefault: disabled
    • When WoLEX starts, enabling this option will automatically pre-select the device within the address book list. Regardless of what device was selected when the application exited, this device will be selected again on the next run.

  • Network
  • All of the options available within this tab relate to networking for the device.

    • MAC ID
    • The Media Access Control identifier is (typically) unique to each network device and is required for waking-up that respective device. The MAC address is generally in the format of aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff.


      WoLEX ignores the separator character between each pair of characters, so you could in fact use any separator you like. When displaying the MAC address within the UI, WoLEX will use the colon : character purely for easier reading.

    • IP Address
    • The internet address of the device. This is used for pinging the status of the device (if Auto-Ping below is enabled) to display its online status within the address book list and to restart/shutdown (if applicable) the device.

    • PortDefault: 9
    • The port number to use when waking up a device. This is typically 7, 8, or 9.

    • Send wake-up via a broadcast on the local network
    • If an IP address has been entered, WoLEX will send the wake-up packet directly to that address; enabling this option will instead broadcast the wake-up on the local network.

      The tertiary state (an intermediate state; a half-filled checkbox) is the Automatic state that will send via IP if an IP address is entered, and via a broadcast if no IP is entered.


      Enable this option if the device resides on the local network, otherwise disable it if the device is WAN-side (on the outside internet), or if waking doesn't seem to work.

    • SecureOnhome edition enterprise edition
    • Some devices support specifying a password before they will accept being turned on via their network interface. The password can be entered into this field.

    • Send multiple wake-up messagesDefault: disabled
    • Some problematic network configurations may require that a wake-up message is sent multiple times in-order for it to "get through"; enabling this option will send the wake-up message ten (10) times, but can be overridden within Settings - Advanced - TotalWakeUpSends.

    • Auto-Ping this device to display its status within the main interfaceDefault: enabled
    • If enabled, WoLEX will periodically ping the device to see if it is online. The result of the ping will then be shown within the address book list.

      • Show notification when status changesDefault: disabled
      • If Auto-Ping is enabled and the device has changed from/to online/offline, then enabling this option will display a small pop-up window to notify you of the change.

        For Technical Users

        The status of a device when WoLEX is started is ignored and considered that device's initial state. Events are only reacted upon if that initial state changes.

  • Instrumentation home edition enterprise edition
  • Wake On LAN Ex uses the Instrumentation feature of Windows to report on the status of any Windows-enabled devices.


    Enabling instrumentation will cause WoLEX to take a few extra seconds to exit when closed; this is to ensure that Windows Instrumentation has fully exited and freed its resources, otherwise an error can occur.

    WoLEX only takes more time to shutdown if at least one device has used and displayed instrumentation data otherwise exiting will commence as normal.

    • Username
    • The username of the account to use when connecting to a Windows device.

    • Password
    • The password of the account to use when connecting to a Windows device.


      If instrumentation is enabled and the device isn't the local machine, then the above Username and Password fields will need to be entered. You'll need to enter a user/pass for an account that resides on the remote device and that account will need permissions to use the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) services.

    • Enable instrumentation for this deviceDefault: disabled
    • If enabled, WoLEX will query the device for instrumentation data once every second.

      • UptimeDefault: enabled
      • The amount of time (in hh:mm:ss) the device has been running for.


        You may find that the uptime is higher than you expected; this can happen if Windows has HybridBoot enabled and in fact displays the uptime since the kernel was initialised and not when the current Windows session started.

      • ProcessesDefault: enabled
      • The total number of processes running on the device.

      • Read I/ODefault: enabled
      • The amount of data the device is reading (across all drives), in bytes/KB/MB per second.

      • Write I/ODefault: enabled
      • The amount of data the device is writing (across all drives), in bytes/KB/MB per second.

      • CPU FrequencyDefault: enabled
      • The speed of the device's CPU. Modern processors support frequency changes that allow them to reduce their speed (which in-turn lowers power requirements and heat) and to increase it on-demand.

      • CPU UsageDefault: enabled
      • The amount of CPU power that is being used by the device. This is an aggregate percentage of all physical cores from 0% to 100%.

      • Network InDefault: enabled
      • The amount of data the device is receiving, in bytes/KB/MB per second, for the network interface specified below.

      • Network OutDefault: enabled
      • The amount of data the device is sending, in bytes/KB/MB per second, for the network interface specified below.

    • Network Card
    • The network interface that the Network In and Network Out measurements are being obtained from. The drop-down menu only shows the name of the network interfaces on the local machine; you will need to manually enter the name of a remote device's network interface manually.

  • Events home edition enterprise edition
  • WoLEX allows you to perform actions based on events detected from a device.

    • When this entry goes Offline, send or perform {action}Default: do nothing
    • This is the action to perform if the device appears to have gone offline.

    • When this entry comes Online, send or perform {action}Default: do nothing
    • This is the action to perform if the device appears to have come online.

    • When this entry Errors, send or perform {action}Default: do nothing
    • This is the action to perform if there was an error pinging the device for its status.

      For Technical Users

      The status of a device when WoLEX is started is ignored and considered that device's initial state. Events are only reacted upon if that initial state changes.

  • History
  • The history tab contains a log of all events and actions for the device.

    • History List
    • The list of logged items. Double-clicking an item will display it within a message box; this allows the quick viewing of an item should its text be cut-off within the list (and saves having to manually expand the Text column).

    • Save
    • Saves the device's log history to a file.

    • Copy to Clipboard
    • Copies the device's log history to the clipboard in text format.

    • Clear
    • Removes all of the device's log history.

    • Maximum EntriesDefault: 30
    • The total number of log entries to keep; older entries are removed should this limit be reached.


If the address book the device belongs to is set to be a remote address book, there will be a notice displayed at the bottom of the device editor saying that any changes made will be lost on the next synchronisation.

This is because address book synchronisation is a one-way process; despite the "synchronisation" moniker, the address book is copied from the server to the local machine and as such any changes to the local copy of the address book will be lost.